Note:[general picture]What is "Phonetics"?
Phonetics is the study of speech. It is concerned with how speech sounds can be categorised, how they are generated in the human vocal tract, why they each sound different to a listener, and how a listener is able to recognise them. The study of the organisation of speech sounds in a language is called phonology, while the study of how humans use their vocal apparatus to speak is called articulatory phonetics. The study of the quality of the sounds used to signal different pronunciations is called acoustic phonetics, while the study of how we perceive and decode speech sounds is sometimes called auditory phonetics. Finally, the general field of study in which instruments are used to study speech production and perception is called experimental phonetics.
2.語音資料庫Speech sound corpus: a database of speech audio files and text transcriptions in a format that can be used to create acoustic models (which can then be used with a speech recognition engine).
There are two types of Speech Corpora:
(1) Read Speech - which includes:
Book excerpts
Broadcast news
Lists of words
Sequences of numbers
(2) Spontaneous Speech - which includes:
Dialogs - between two or more people (includes meetings);
Narratives - a person telling a story;
Map-tasks - one person explains a route on a map to another;
Appointment-tasks - two people try to find a common meeting time based on individual schedules.
A special kind of speech corpora are non-native speech databases that contain speech with foreign accent.
3.語言分類language typology:
*Thousands of languages
*Typology - classification of languages on linguistic grounds
*Variation in linguistic features
There are at least 4000 languages in the world. Linguistic typology refers to the categorization of languages on linguistic grounds. Based on linguistic typologies we will consider the variation in morphological, semantic, and syntactic properties among the world’s languages and the implications of differences for mono-lingual and cross-lingual IR.
Note:[Typology in Phonology, a textbook on]Prosodic Typology: The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing
Introduction:This book illustrates an approach to prosodic typology through the intonational phonology of thirteen typologically different languages and the transcription system of prosody known as Tones and Break Indices (ToBI). This is the first book introducing the history and principles of this system,
and it covers European languages, Asian languages, an Australian aboriginal language, and an American Indian language. It is the first book on intonation that includes sound files on a CD-ROM.
4.語音處理器官Speech sound processing organs: the following is the introduction to the speech organs

a)Nasal cavity
b)oral cavity
lips, teeth, tongue, alveolar, palatal, soft palatal, velum, uvula